Hajra Khan’s Maldivian Journey ended with two trophies

Hajra Khan’s Maldivian Journey ended with two trophies

Hajra Khan’s – probably the best female football player in Pakistan- Maldivian journey ended with two trophies. Her Club Sun Hotel & Resort got 3rd placed in the Maldivian National Women Championship and in Semi Final 2 she received the “Best Player” Award. Beside that she was nominated as one of the “5 Best players” in the tournament and received an award for this. Hajra scored two goals in the tournament and played along Sri Lankan and Maldivian national team players.

Khan will be back in Pakistan for the 6th National Inter Club Women Football Championship 2014 which is organized by the Pakistan Football Federation from June 21 to 28 at Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. 16 women football teams are participating in the event. Hajra – new under contract for Balochistan United Women Football Club – will be joining the team on tuesday.


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